Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Marc Katano


Marc has plenty of colorful paintings over at the Stemmel Gallery, but I prefer the black and whites. I think they show off the gestural and calligraphic elements much better.
You'll find this painting "Penumbra" 2005 acrylic on canvas 44 x 30" and four other black and whites at the Stephen Wirtz Gallery, Here. Three color ones from 2003 Here. And 5 more from 2002 Here.
The top image, "Slow Turn" 2007, 24 x 20 inches, acrylic on canvas is from Cheryl Pelavin Fine Arts where they have plenty more. The images at each of these sites is different.
But most of all, visit Marc's web site.
There should be a law that every artist's web site should be at least this good. Clean, concise and easy navigation. He even includes a movie of himself making a work on paper.
Under the PORTFOLIOS, choose 1979-1989 and then do 1990-1999 and then do 2000 - Present to get a real feel of how his work has changed and evolved. Each of those 3 categories has a page with all the years in that category up at the top. And selecting a year brings up a page that shows at least 3 thumbs and a large preview. This really is the way to go for a great web site.
Thank you Marc.

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