A young couple decided to open a coffee shop on the square (in Horseheads, NY) So Dale and I went in and spoke with the Missus about hanging our art there. Yes.
We came back with paintings and tools to hang . .
This was back when I had cleared off the side porch and was using it for a studio. And having tired of 16 x 20 cnvases, I took to using luan as my support and also trying to eliminate that pesky framing process that has to be addressed when one finishes a painting. It's funny now, but at the time I thought this painting was really cool. I'll tell ya - it's fun writing right outta the tube. But I went through this whole framing from behind thing where the painting was in front of instead of IN a frame.
Looking for some pics of the screened-in-porch-as-studio. haha The time to organize fotos is when you FRIST get them into the pc. I'll post some pics later . . . .