Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's Always Good


to exhibit; to see your work in a different environment. Somehow the change lets us see our work as others do.
These are some older paintings that weren't so successful that I wanted to study; see if there was a new direction I could take them. There are famous stories about artists who threw out or even burned years worth of work because they were depressed or, more often, because they felt it was sub par and holding them back. This exercise for me was to find some common elements that are present in my paintings and find the point where I didn't follow through.
The Exhibit was at the Steele Memorial Library in Elmira, NY and it's as close to a gallery experience as you're going to get in this 3 horse town.
I like to recycle my paintings by using them for collage or painting new layers over them if they have no merit otherwise and this was an opportunity to reevaluate and reconsider some older work.

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