Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Unexpected, Random Beauty


I have a "thing" for newspaper. Love reading them; enjoy the pictures and ads. You really must try attaching them to canvas or panel, with gesso - it produces the silkiest tooth that begs for pastels. But here's a new idea that's beautiful and thought provoking.
Each time the camera backs away, in this video of Gustav Metzger talking about the project, you can see how well all these pages work as a whole. It's really got me to thinking about the innate possibilities of structured randomness and how I can apply what's happening with these newspaper pages, to my own oeuvre.
And I'm still trying to figure THIS painting out.


Barbara J Carter said...

I think in the "this" painting, what happened is the artist started with newspaper, applied squiggles of medium (or something sticky) from a squeeze bottle, and laid another sheet of newspaper down on it. After the medium dried, he tore the top sheet off, leaving behind only the bits stuck to the squiggle.

Adeaner said...

Yes, that does make sense.