Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Yayoi Kusama

I Chucklewhenever I hear Dale recount how he met me. He happened to stop by a friendly little Thursday "art class" that I had started attending and noticed this guy painting dots (that would be me). And he always seems to enjoy relaying the quizzical feelings about me and that first impression. I will always have the last laugh because of the company I'm in. He doesn't know just how many artists have explored the realm of the dot (or pointillism).

So upon discovering a new Art review site called thehighlights and seeing this painting ( #10, 1967) by Peter Young, a lot of good memories started to come back. By the way, it looks like he used the same process as Yayoi Kusama to come by his "dots". What looks like dots or black marks are actually what's left after painting white in a particular pattern over black. She did it so well with her Infinity Net Series. Am so happy to have found this new painting by her -

Infinity-Nets (OPYSTD), 2007. The current date means she's still "workin' it". And there's always been this thing about her sanity too. (haha, me too) So it's good to know she's still working and always a pleasure to see her works come up at auction. You really should do a little research on her - you'll be quite entertained. Just highlight her name and copy it, then open up one of the Search Tools to the left (Google or Yahoo Image search), paste her name and have fun.

But back to the infinity net process. The painting below, from 2005 that makes it easier to see how it comes about. There's an abstract background and then yellow is applied in crisscrossing curving lines that let the original colors show through. The top image is from Paris-Art. Two bottom paintings are from And as always, the pics are thumbs - so click on the pic for a larger view. And please do check out Yayoi Kusama. This is not completely representative of her complete oeuvre . . . . .

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